Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9 -- Another LONG Day

Worship -- and more Worship

One of the first things I did this morning was attend another wonderful Holy Eucharist service. One of the last things I did this evening was attend yet another wonderful Holy Eucharist service. The first was the official service of Convention; the second was offered by Integrity, the gay/lesbian group of The Episcopal Church. Bishop Gene Robinson preached, and Bishop Mary Glasspool celebrated. The music and prayers were lively, joyful, and a true celebration of God's love.

Significant Developments in the Church

Structure of the Church

But even before the first Holy Eucharist (and after a two-mile run), I attended a meeting of the legislative committee on structure and watched them finalize a resolution to establish a task force to consider issues related to the structure of The Episcopal Church. That may not sound like a big deal, but this task force will be expected to bring to the next Convention (in 2015) a new vision for how we Episcopalians can do a much better job of living into our calling as Christians and builders of God's Kingdom here on earth. There will be only 24 (or was it 30? I can't remember which!) members on the task force; it would be a kick to be one of them. A lot of work, to be sure, but a genuine kick all the same.

Inclusion of Transgendered Persons

The other big news is that the House of Deputies concurred in two resolutions from the House of Bishops that fully include people in the life of the church regardless of "gender identity and expression." This means that transgendered persons may not be discriminated against in the life of the church, and even if they wish to enter a process of discernment for lay or ordained ministry. This is a big deal, and in the debate we heard from at least one transgendered clergy person. I wonder what the news media will do with this story?

Israel and Palestine

We also considered two resolutions regarding Israel and Palestine. The first, which passed by a significant sounding margin in a voice vote, calls for increased mutual understanding and appreciation between Episcopalians, Jews and Muslims with regard to Israel and Palestine. The second was more controversial, referring to "illegal Israeli settlements" and calling for "more vigorous and public corporate engagement with companies in the Church's investment portfolio that contribute to the infrastructure of the Occupation." 

This second resolution could have been even more pro-Palestine and anti-Israel had an amendment passed which called for parishes to study materials that (at first glance, at least) appear to be very pro-Palestine rather than offering a more balanced presentation. I'm not saying that the Israeli position (especially regarding settlements in disputed areas in the region) is entirely just or positive, but then I'm not sure the Palestinians are entirely blameless and pure either. I suppose this is an issue about which I have more to learn.

And tomorrow?

Well, tomorrow (which is, as I write this, only 32 minutes away!) I plan to sleep in a bit, go to the morning legislative session, hit the Exhibit Hall one more time before they close for good at 2:00 pm, and take the rest of the afternoon off. The Rev. Mark Rutenbar is our designated clergy alternate, and I'm glad he'll get some more time of the floor of the House of Deputies (and, of course, I'll get a little time for R&R!). 

Gary +

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