Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4 -- My Intro to General Convention

Registration and Exhibits

General Convention doesn't officially open until tomorrow, though we got started with some preliminary matters today. This morning I registered and spent some time visiting the Exhibitors. On hand are books, vestments, ministry opportunities, seminaries, and a couple of guys selling cushioned inserts for your shoes. 

Special Present and Orientation

After lunch I attended a PB&F hearing (that's Episco-speak for "Program, Budget, & Finance"). This committee is probably going to be the busiest as they have to have prepare a budget for adoption by Convention. This means they have to consider two rather different proposals plus sort out the budgetary implications of the various resolutions that will be considered at Convention. 

Me and Stephanie Cheney at the PB&F hearing. Stephanie is a Lay Deputy from West Tennessee as well as a member of the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church. 

Here's the view of the PB&F hearing from my seat. Yeah, it's about as exciting as it looks in this photo!
After a quick break the House of Bishops and House of Deputies gathered for opening remarks from the Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori, the Presiding Bishop, and Dr. Bonnie Anderson, President of the House of Deputies. The bishops then went to their orientation while the deputies learned about the various rules and procedures that will guide our time in legislative sessions.

For example, one of the rules is that every deputy votes on every resolution brought to the floor of the House. I will not be allowed to abstain (even if I'd very much like to!). Deputies are elected to listen and share in debate, discussion, discernment, and -- finally -- decision.

As you can see from the photo below, the deputation from the Diocese of West Tennessee is actually seated rather close to the front of the meeting space for the House of Deputies. I guess this means we'll have to behave ourselves.

Our view of the dais. Look closely and you can almost see the Presiding Bishop as she addresses a joint session of the Houses of Bishops and Deputies.

Lay Benefits Considered

I then attended a hearing of the Church Pension Fund committee dealing with the implantation of a Pension Fund and Health Plan for lay employees of the church. This was decided in 2009 with implementation to be completed by January 1, 2013. There are a few resolutions being considered to allow more time or more diocesan leeway in the implementation of these plans, especially the pension fund as it would apply to Episcopal-affiliated schools. The argument made by the schools is that while they are supportive of additional benefits for their faculty and staff, sudden implementation of a pension plan would impose a substantial financial strain that could adversely affect their programs. It was suggested that some schools might even decide to close down or end their affiliation with The Episcopal Church. There are more hearings scheduled on these issues tomorrow. I can hardly wait.

So far my thought is that institutions have already had three years to sort out how they are going to implement what General Convention 2009 decided. But if they need additional time or support, then I support allowing diocesan authorities a limited amount of discretion. For example, a plan could be phased in over a period of time, as long as a plan has been decided and implemented by the original January 1, 2013 deadline. We'll see what happens.

And tomorrow...

Tomorrow we begin bright and early with Deputy Certification starting at 7:30 and our first legislative session at 8:00 am. The day will also include Eucharist and legislative committee hearings. The last session could run as late as 9:00 pm. I'd better get some rest!

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