Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 11 -- Only One More Day to Go!

News of the Day

Today I'm fighting a bit of a head cold. Nothing serious, but the runny nose and the sneezing are starting to get a bit annoying. I've just taken some Nyquil to help me deal with the symptoms and sleep well for a long day tomorrow -- the last day of General Convention.

So, before the meds really take hold, here are my notes about some of the major actions taken today in the House of Deputies. (There was more that happened, of course, but I'm including these few just to give you a taste of what we've been working on.)

We Passed a Budget

Since General Convention meets only once every three years, we were asked to consider a three-year budget of about $111.5 million. This budget attempts to prioritize and categorize expenses according to the Five Marks of Mission adopted in 2009. Read about the Five Marks here.

Furthermore, the budget provides for block grants within specific areas, such as $2 million for starting new congregations. The budget makes a block of money available to be disbursed under the recommendation and oversight of the church leadership, particularly the Executive Council, which provides leadership for The Episcopal Church during the triennium (or three-year period) between General Conventions. Questions were asked and answers offered by the Program, Budget, & Finance legislative committee (usually referred to as "PB&F). Later in the day the budget passed with very little procedural drama.

If you are interested, you can download the budget by clicking here.

Access to Holy Baptism and Holy Communion Considered

This resolution dealt with "open table," the practice urged by some that Holy Communion be available to all regardless of whether or not person has first been baptized, as is the current requirement under church canons. The resolution also includes, "We also acknowledge that in various local contexts there is the exercise of pastoral sensitivity with those who are not yet baptized." A motion to strike this last sentence failed (as did a motion to amend the amendment). Pursuant to a request from the floor, we voted by orders. The motion passed in both orders: 77% in favor among the lay deputies; 64% in favor among the clergy deputies. This resolution, which now goes before the Bishops, would (in my humble view) weaken the canonical requirement of baptism as a prerequisite to receiving Holy Communion. If we're gonna change the canons let's change the canons rather than adopt what seems like a back door approach. Having said this, this is an issue that would benefit from continuing study and consideration. We'll see what the Bishops do with this tomorrow.

Church Called to Advocate for Public Policy to Reduce Climate Changing Emissions

This legislation calls on the US government to reduce our use of carbon-based fuels and encourages the use of renewable energy. An amendment passed which calls for all Episcopalians to urge members of Congress to pass such legislation. The resolution passed by a large margin in a voice vote.

The Dream Act Considered

This resolution urges the passage of federal legislation providing a path to citizenship for undocumented youth and young adults. The resolution further calls for The Episcopal Church to encourage scholarships for such youth. This passed by a wide margin. During the debate, some of the Official Youth Presence spoke on its behalf. They won't be at the Convention tomorrow (I don't know why not), but their members have occasionally spoken during debates, and have also done so articulately and with grace, humor, and care. I'll miss their contributions during tomorrow's session.

And Tomorrow?

We were told by the Secretary of Convention that we had about 60 resolutions to consider and pass along to the House of Bishops. If we're disciplined, we're told we can pass all these in the morning, in time for the Bishops to also consider the bits of legislation. Then, of course, we deputies will have to deal with all the resolutions that originated in the House of Bishops and which require our action. We'll meet from 8:00 - 11:00 am, break for a closing Eucharist at 11:30, have a quick lunch, and resume at 2:15 for our final session. God willing, we'll conclude all we need to complete by our closing at 6:30 tomorrow night.

Wow! Please pray for all of the Deputies and the Bishops as we conclude our work tomorrow.


  1. Thanks for all the blogging. It's been fascinating to read the daily updates. It sounds astonishingly like the New Mexico legislative process.

  2. I have thoroughly enjoyed following the convention through your blog. It is more accurate than the media! Hope all in our parish have taken advantage of your work. Thanks.
